Grand Mesa Dental Hygiene
Call for an appointment:
(970) 874-3801
417 Meeker Street, Delta, CO 81416
Remember... Your smile is meant to last a LIFETIME!!

Grand Mesa Dental Hygiene - Dental hygiene practice in Delta Colorado

Grand Mesa Dental Hygiene provides a much needed service to the low income elderly and uninsured children in Head Start programs in Delta, Montrose, Ouray and Gunnison Counties.

Grand Mesa Dental Hygiene offers dental hygiene services for the entire family, but we cater to children!

Grand Mesa Dental Hygiene - Dental hygiene practice in Delta Colorado
Why Choose GrandMesa Dental Hyg?
The health of your mouth is a mirror of the health condition of your entire body. Research also shows that good oral health may actually prevent certain diseases from occurring. Grand Mesa Dental Hygiene has provided quality preventive dental hygiene care for all ages throughout Delta, Montrose, Ouray, and Gunnison Counties since 2003.
Dental Hygiene Services:
Teeth Cleaning
Oral Evaluations - with an emphasis on education
Fluoride Treatment
​Preventive Care
Oral Cancer Screenings
Teeth Whitening